I am the VIP of the journey
Prelude I thought I was not prepared The book is written to help people prepare for Haj journey.Who are we to say we are not ready. When it is fated and planned for us, There it is coming unexpectedly. No Expectation This journey was a gift - unplanned unexpected. It really came to us by surprise. Very much beyond expectation. That was the year we had Eid celebrated yearly at the Kulliyyah. Suhailah told me, her husband wanted to go for haj this year so she submitted the form. I heard and thought of it but deep down knew, it was not possible. But as I got back to the office, I thought of responding to the email inviting IIUM staff to apply for Haj trip that year. It was a normal busy days at the Department, I filled the form and requested my PA Ika to find time when she could send the form to the office of the mosque. It was passed over due. With the thought, they would put me in the queue: next year, the year after or whenever. Not Just another phone call ...