I need your reactions to my stories..

I really hopes those who read my entries can provide your feeback to me. It is only fair if I can hear your reactions to my writing. A line will do. This will help me decide soon whether this blog will be opened for public or kept private.  thank y 


Suria Hana said…
Keep writing dr..i may need some inspiration from ur stories...ur busy day..how u cope with it.^_^
Take care Dr.
Dr Han said…
thank you for you support. glad to know someone actually find my entries can be helpful. It is really about life..I am not limiting it to any. What ever comes to my mind and feel like sharing I will do.. I once I hit the keyboard, they are delivered. Many times, I am writing as to cope with what seems to be too much for me to handle. Need to let it out of my chest. Tq

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