A Poem for a friend on her birthday..Happy bday Ojie....

once I thought I needed a friend 
A friend who told me I was her only best friend
A friend who said I am always right
when I am scared would hold me tight
when days were not so bright

I have all the friends I need
I chose all the friends I met
But one friend I treasure
that bring in pleasure
when pain I can no longer measure

It is a wondeful thing
growing up growing old as years unfold

seeing you and me dicovering world
Today I saw a fine woman who was only a girl
on our 30th year of friendships
never thought it is for keeps

My doa Allah will fulfil all your wish and doa
Shelter you & bless you all the way thru...

Happy bday Ojie...


Anonymous said…
...belum ada org pernah buat poem utk sy...sgt terharu..lebih2 lagi dr seorang sahabat yg sentiasa ada di sisi...Thanks Za...adanya anda menjadi hidup sy jadi lebih berwarna...
Dr Han said…
ideas came when least expected. Glad you like it..

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