The Meaning of Eid - Eid Mubarak, Selamat Hari Raya

Name it Hari raya, Raya puasa, Eid, Aidilfitri, Syawal, or what ever, it is always best celebrated with families and relatives. This is the moment to get together, family members from near and far become one, reunited as family. Whatever brings people together is much more meaningful at this time of the year... sitting for hours eating and talking til late.

Yes, Food and Stories bring people together.

Laughters and Tears in between are parts of the decorations.

This is a moment I treasure. Ramadhan and Syawal. When all of us, really find time to reflect. Alhamdullillah for another Syawal -Another opportunity to be together with our loved ones families and relatives. All our special doa's and prayers with the barakah of the ramadhan for our parents who are not with us anymore.

Life is a one-way street. No turning back. All the things happened in the past, cant be repeated. At Eid, is the best time to reflect and reminisce those moments with loved ones who are no longer with us. How their presence once before have affected us in so many ways. How we are today might be as a results of their existence in our life in the past. I Thank Allah for those moments that might seem too short but think again, Alhamdullillah, there are those unfortunate ones who never had that nikmat ever. The nikmat for the selected people and for us to be thankful we are the chosen ones.

This is the moment full of mixed emotions. Bring in all as one with forgiveness is the aim. Taking the moment - letting go the unpleasant feelings, more acceptance of what we cant change. and be more positive about life.

 I make a pledge today.. Give the best to any relationships I have. Be it, husband-wife, parent-child, siblings, with other cold, detached or distanced relationship with other relatives. Renewing and re establishing the loosen knots. Any feelings hurt, dissatisfactions, not doing any good to us. Let us convince ourselves to go to the next step not holding any grudge and get ourselves stuck with those unhealthy feelings towards each other. Life is so unpredictable. And not knowing how far we can go..let us not dwell on things that tear us apart emotionally.

Today, seriously, my focus will be on my relationship with my children. My girls especially. the growing up teenagers who are so engrossed with their own world of discovery. I am watching and observing from where ever I am. All kinds of mixed feelings rushed through my vein. At times, I feel nervous and scared as things seems to be testing my capability as a mom. At times, I wonder if I am experimenting my own children. But this experiment must work. I cant afford not to get this through successfully. No matter how wrong, it has to work somehow. I see totally a set of teenagers in front of me. When I cant relate much to my own teenage years. Am I not equipped to nurture my own flesh and blood? Do I have the strengths to compete with the challenges around me? really make me evaluate my parenting skills.   ehhmm.. Not a quick fix. No easy formula. 

Eid wil come and go. If there will be another opportunity to have another Eid. We ll do better next time. And make the a better ramadhan.

Love our family. The one thing we can do that is easy. Give our family the best. Before we can give to others, give those deserving ones in our household, under the same roof, from the same root. make them happy before making others happy.  

Together then, we reach out to those in need. To help them learn to love us and to love each other, to give as much as we will never run out of love to give. To love mankind, the creations of Allah. To share the nikmat with our loved ones. 

To remember loving life is to prepare for life later. To remember and appreciate the elderly. Our folks who have done so much in the past that today we can live with comfort. 

To always give the best doa for them our one and only mom & dad, grandparents, great great grand parents who needs our continuous bond from us in order to live in their 'world' at peace. 

Salam Keberkatan & Keinsafan Ramadhan .. Salam keampunan & kesejahteraan Syawal..

May Allah fulfill our doa and accept our amal this time. Amin. 

Enjoy your Eid with loved ones. Drive safely ...


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