what takes away the pleasures in life...What does it mean to have a migraine..

What does it mean to have a migraine..

First, I have to say I envy those who's never had headaches in life. I have had it since teenager. Always had the generic KK panadols supply in my locker. Then I took a whole bunch of it to the States. Then, I learned about tylenol, advil, etc. Not so bad. It was considered mild. People get period pain, I hardly get one. But head aces run in the family, I guess (not all siblings, though). Ayah had it and well known for his ubat kaki tiga. I could still visualize the the way he sipped the powder that slide through from the folded wrapper. Then the ice cubes and the clothes wrapped around his head.

It is not something strange to people around me to know I have a headache and I really mean, my life is on hold for a moment. I am not functioning at the moment with signages of "Do not Disturb", "Leave me Alone", "No lights please..." etc.     

Yes..it ruins my days sometimes. It definitely disturbs my daily schedules. I have not had this for many months already..not the proplonged one, at least. I have not touched cafergot for months after being hospitalized late last year and Dr Rahman DEMC adviced me to take Acoxia instead as he explained the implications and it sounded scary. But 3 days has passed. tried all, actifast, ponstans (plus gelusil), the pain went away for a while but coming back. This morning, I had to grab the cafergot that has been on standby all the time. Cant take it anymore. taken away my 3 days. 

Yes.. when it comes, sunlight, sun shines, the heat and bright lights are not welcome. Feeling nuaseated, spinning & throbbing splitting head aches, upset stomaches, heart burn, the cold sweat reactions etc, it is just unpleasant. 

Yesterday, I met this doctor at our panel clinic. Our favourite family doctor was not in, the locum was there attending me. I was quite sceptical, so used to having Dr Rosmurni or Dr Rohana if I cant get my Dr friend, Zaini. To my surprise, he was giving me more than the prescriptions. It was nice of him to give all the tips on healthy living and how I could work on my migraine by focusing on my life style..

Yes...all the things (most of them) I know already but for him taking his time explaining really showed how he has passion in his job helping people who are in pain, feel pleasant in the session. He was definitely in a raya mood still, telling me his lunch set include choc cake - one thing he could not resist.Just to keep this recorded, I am going to slowly recall his tips familiar to all of us in this posting.

He started with.."Yes..you have migraine.. you BP too low for your age..100/70..that is migraine". He confirmed and started his tazkirah..(nice one that's why I share..)

Start with Daun Pegaga ..yes I have my home- grown pegaga has been growing wild & bushy and become scrubs. Dont I know this..My auntie told me repeatedly - really ,mean countless repeat from Ucu, to get pegaga with the roots blended and drink the juices..

The Doc said, eat all the green, ulam raja, pegaga etc. the bitter the better..ha ha.. life can be bitter too..but just before that he said, your 'thinning' tummy cant stand the hot spicy stuff. As we grow older, we should not take too much chillies especially cili padi or cili api...erghhh..what? I want my ulam with sambal belacan..and ikan masin..huh huh..now I have to eat the ulam alone.. where got kick men? then i agree with my hubby, I will be like a goat eating all the greens --not a smiling goat..

He went on...at our age..pardon me he said, he is 47.. I am younger Doc..he thought I was not yet 40..lucky me to have Aula with me that I look forever young..
well.. at my age, I must avoid anything acidic. that create gases, flatulance in me.. Yup.. I remember Dr Zaini said, my tummy retain water and gases..nothing but those two components..opps no baby ok...try knock on my tummy, I can hear the echoing sounds ha ha...

So he helped me recall, no carbonated water -- yup been slurping to much Coke to quench my thirst on hot sunny Hari Raya..too much coconut milk from rendang, lemang, lontong..Agreed..rendang minang style of course I KG beef with  a KG of coconut milk (4 coconut) so 7 KG beef rendang, 4 chicken, kerang etc all pure kampung santan...the chief cook in-charge tasted everything all the time as QC was in my hand..thank you.. I, I , Sir.

Yes, Doc..Green leafy good for me. 3 reasons he said (I know them already - saja nak bagi doctor bagi free tazkirah) 1. lots of fiber - good for my digestions & bowel movement 2. delay my hunger (like those people on diet - didnt I know this) 3. ??forgot already ..(will fill this up later)

Yes green leafy salad, no sambal belacan, put italian seasoning, black pepper, lemon & lime season with salt a bit..

No MSG - world knows about it. there is NO Pak Aji in the house. I never like the imitation taste of goodness from Aji No moto. He suggested food tips. orgnanic and plant-based from the North..get it from pasar tani to replace MSG. Thanks Doc. No offence, I think people who use MSG has no confidence in their cooking.. opps..no offence just an opinion.
Whenever this uninvited guest of headaches visit me. All the checklist: drink lots of water, exercise - walk, jog & run, get more O2, empty your bowel, no caffeine, no beans & peanuts, take a nap..well.. done all, but the persistent guest keep knocking on my head. knock hard on my scull.

He addded more, At our age, we dont want too delicious dish on the table..With sambal belacan you eat tripple helpings and still wanted more. so when less delicious, we ll stop eating after single helping..Oh..Doc, taking away my nikmat dunia...

No caffeine..You're right..I need the umphh to complete my hari raya tour.

He said, I ate too much choc cake on hari raya..I didnt even bake any this year..But I gobbled them at all the visits that offered choc cake on the table ..just tiny lil bit..         

But most of all, my lack of beauty sleep.. 8 hours.."Are you a housewife?" Nope..How I wish. I am a housewife who works.  "Susah sikit lah.. other wise you can cover after zuhor.." ha ha.. me tidur siang? anyway, I know Doc, I told myself many times.. I read the research that to live longer one must sleep 7-8 hours.. need to work on this...and sleep early...

Ok Doc..just before I left the room. He told Aliya for her allergy and ashmatic prevention to keep room clean not dusty, get purifier, avoid all the seafood, her childhood migraine no cheese and choc.. By the way, make sure mom also dont take too much cheese.. ha ha .. sempat juga tu.. Dush dush.. tripple hits on my head.

Thanks Doc ..Yes , he knows, "You hardly take MCs. it seems" ..Yes Doc, my work knows no MCs ..what I need is cafergot to get up and do my work..I am home and I work all the time nights and days..

Have a nice day Doc..God bless you --good thing you did for a patient like me today..


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