When mom was craving for longan..

Early this morning, Aula insisted to play outside after her breakfast. I had no choice but forced to watch her playing her sandbox. I took out buah longan from the fridge - peeling it and removing the seed. out of curiosity, she also get one and had a hard time removing the seed. Her funny response again, "Ma, remove the bone (tulang) for me.." her process of "generalization" remind me of my linguistic class & the language acquisition of the young. assuming anything inside with flesh (like chicken or fish) is a bone.. Saturday with her and the wonderful cool longan went down my throat.

Longan.. remind me of my mom. when she was not well..during her last 3 months was not easy. She started to have no appetite for eating. She had a hard time remembering (after the surgery) frustrated with herself for not remembering. She tried to get herself to eat ..asking all kinds of foods.She asked me to make sambal goreng berlada using cili besar -  just the way I make for my husband - "macam goreng berlada yg Azman suka tu.." and asked me to leave it on the dining table so that she could eat with fried eggs or fried fish for her lunch while I was at work. "Itu aje yg mak lalu makan".  She wanted sambal kelapa and asked the late Tok Ngah (her fav autie). I make ikan kering tenggiri with sambal in the rice cooker to get the rice steam cooked the salted fish. Our old folks said, that water from the steam helped improve one's appetite.
Oh well..what about longan? That day I was at Bangsar, picking up my hubby who was only working part time (unemployed) after our return from the States. I saw Longan. It was if I am not mistaken RM12 per kg. The seller said, it was expensive, it was not in the season. I was, on single income financial restriction at that time as I had to commute to work KL- Jeram daily. But I did remember her talking about her favorite Longan. I was glad I bought for her and would have regretted it if I didnt. who could have thought she would leave us so soon at 53.

When we got home, she still found her taste bud could not pick up - to enjoy the sweet longan as always. But I did try. I was fine though it seemed to much to pay for 2 KG of longan (RM24 for someone with not much money in 1999) Yes..we tried everything to help to bring her appetite back. I cooked everyday after I got home from work (around maghrib) just to get her to eat.

We all love to eat. at times, we eat too much. as much.. anything in front of us..when are hungry or when we are not. I learn one thing, we are not at all time, able to enjoy the world pleasure of eating..no matter how delicious, how expensive, even prepared by great chefs in the world.

Allah decides...when to give us the pleasure and when to take it back..as He likes it. Alhamdullillah for giving us the opportunity to have his pleasures granted to us..because someday..it may not be ours anymore to enjoy..


my world said…
eeemmm...smlm baru kita bercerita ttg makcik...sy faham perasaan itu....dlm situasi yg kdg kala menjerat kita...kita nak mak....mcm anak2 kita..."nak mama..." huhu...sebolehnya sy mahu terus berkongsi mcm selalu.....
Dr Han said…
agree...that is what friends are for...thank you..

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