Preparing for Little Sister's Wedding

For the past weekends and holidays, I had to rush home to get things done bit by bit. Most of the time, done by others but I had to be there just to give the directives. I am bossing around to get things done. Somebody has to do it. Getting all 7 siblings together especially when all are married with children (except the bride-to-be) is not easy. As a big sister, I can instruct my sisters as it used to be like they are single anymore. And I have no power (like my mom & dad) the parental power that can say things, people do without complain. and they can choose not to do too.
Alhamdullillah, most of them if not all, my sisters and brother-in-laws would come over to give a helping hand. Forcing my kids to assist can be a challenge too. My hubby has been on standby mode waiting for my signals to get things done. I am lucky, my maid seems to be supportive too. 

When there is a wedding, the house needs spring cleaning. so that it is more presentable to the guests. Truth is, our parents home are maintained on the minimal. Everyone is so busy with work and other commitments. 

Our first long weekend break - Chinese new year, we started with the 2 stores at the back. Everyone's junk has been thrown inside. it is not a storage but a big transitional space when items are no longer quite functional were placed. So at least, lots of things got recyled, thrown, given away and burnt. 

We managed to clean up 3 old closets. Sorting old clothes, T shirts. and end up with 2 giant trash bag. A decision to turn them into rags,  to give the needy, to be thrown into the dumpster. quite a relief to get all sorted out 

then following weekend,  painting the Bride's room. 

another mission of cleaning ayah's antique display cabinet. All mom and dad 's collections of Crystal and China. Surprisingly, found so many things in side. And I have the liberty to get rid of them that cluttered my eyes.  Got all the maids washed and dried them out. No more cloudy crystal. The sparkling crystals, the cleaned mirror give better reflections. Most importantly, all got cleaned up after so many year - perhaps 10-15 years... Mak mesti suke!


Anonymous said…
waktu2 kenduri ni la kita nk mengemas...mmg sibuk semua ahli keluarga berkumpul.itu yg segt menarik..^_^

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