Parenting Skills Series: The Child in Me! Play time with my Kids.

Ordinary Mom

I have 4 wonderful kids at home. Despite my busy schedule, I make sure I am part of their playtime. The least I can do is to observe them play instead of just supervise. When it comes to toys, I cant help but to be the perfectionist parent. Being in Education line, naturally, I would be very conscious what kinds of toys to be bought. Very picky, very selective, very particular, very choosy, name it. Of course, we want all the collections of toys. Too tempting and hard to make the decision considering the financial implication. I dont think owning the whole store of Toy'R'Us will do us any good either. But I do enjoy the trip to Toy R Us just as much as I enjoy the trip to MPH or Borders  or perhaps to the zoo...

The Child in Me
For the Kids to love toys is universally under statement. In denial, now matter how old we grow, we still hang on to our childhood memories of our first favourite toy. In reality, we know we bought toys for our kids just because we did'nt get the toys when we were small.. Aha! Who is playing? Somebody is smiling. I did and stil do. Why not. It creates bond with my children as I can talk and relate to them how I feel and see their reactions. Talking about generation gap here! Playing with toys is fun. Playing toys with friends is double the fun. 

Reasons for Buying
But I will buy for a reason. with 2 important reasons: 
First it must be Fun and Educational in nature.  

I have set a few rules on buying toys

  • age-appropriate
  • good quality product, sturdy and durable
  • safe for the children to play
  • free from germ ~ Hygienic - easily cleaned 
  • No sharp edges, broken, filmsy, etc
  • practical & easily stored
  • no excessive attached accessories, dangling, strings or ropes, etc
  • proper use of language written & used - culturally appropriate, enhance language skills, free from grammatical & spelling errors
  • no furs, no golden dusts, etc
  • not dust & dirt collectors
  • more to come

(will continue writing..break to cook meals for my children)

Storing the toys

Parental Guidance

Parental Duties

  • sanitizing the toys
  • checking on broken toys

Toys Categories

On Pricey Toys

Skills Gained

  • Social Skills
  • Moral Development


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