First day of school for the kids - the feeling is the same!

The excitement of first day of school still the same. 18 years ago, I could still remember the day I sent my first daughter to school for the first time.. That automatically reminded me of my own first day at school. Today, Aliya will not be joining the morning rush. The preparation became less hectic. Perhaps, we probably have gotten the skills OR perhaps, we are not as worried, as fussy, as 'kisah', as we used to when we first experienced it long time ago. Tomorrow, Alif will be in Year 6 and Aina in Form 3. Both will be in the exam year, UPSR & PMR respectively. 8 months from now, my knees will be shaking again. I had to say, I handled things pretty well when Aliya was sitting for her SPM  last nov-Dec 2012. I was not as panicky.. Could be worst. But she needs mom to be cool this time. Despite her cool look, I could not take things for granted as she cant be stressed out at that very moment. For tomorrow, everything is ready from the undergarment to the socks & shoes already lined up to be worn.   no more queuing up to pay for the fees. The kids will manage all the fees if any. 
Time to shop around for Aula new school. Then Alif needs to be back with JAIS SRA for his PSRA as the private seemed unable to meet my expectation. All the transfer will be done next thursday. I am going to work after dropping them off at school. May Allah bless us in the new schooling year for my kids. 


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